Missions & Outreach

Ministries | Missions & Outreach

Serving with Faith, Love, and Compassion

Trojan Catholic Outreach partners with various organizations across Los Angeles to extend a helping hand to underserved communities, embodying our commitment to service and sharing Christ’s love with others. Through these partnerships, we aim to address critical needs, from providing food and clothing to offering educational and spiritual support.

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Service Opportunities

Our Partners

Casa Milagrosa

Spend the morning with our homeless brothers and sisters! Give a smile, share in conversation, serve breakfast, pack lunches, and help with whatever else is needed at Casa Milagrosa Homeless Resource Center. Join us and bring a friend!

Hotel Dieu

Run by the Daughters of Charity, Hotel Dieu is a low-income, independent living facility for seniors. We have the privilege of spending quality time with the cherished residents of Hotel Dieu. This upcoming opportunity is not just a chance to visit; it's an invitation to make a meaningful impact and share moments of joy and love.

St. Francis Center

Every first Saturday of each month, we gather at the Catholic Center for prayer and then volunteer at the St. Francis Center, where we prep food boxes and distribute them to the homeless and families experiencing food insecurity.

Mission Trips

Mission trips are transformative journeys of service, faith, and cultural immersion. Participants step outside their comfort zones to serve communities in need, whether locally or globally, through acts of compassion, generosity, and solidarity. These trips offer a unique opportunity to make a tangible difference while also deepening one's understanding of diverse cultures, perspectives, and the universal values of love and empathy. Join us on a mission trip and experience the joy of serving others, forging lifelong connections, and growing in faith and compassion.

Check back soon for updates on Mission Trips

Student Testimony

Find Your Calcutta

Questions about service opportunities and mission trips?