
Our Mission

To invite the USC community into a transforming relationship with Christ and one another, empowered to make a lasting impact on the world.

Our Vision

A Home Away From Home

Our Savior Parish and USC Caruso Catholic Center is a home for Trojans of all ages who wish to learn and live out their Catholic faith. We are a Christ-centered home away from home where students are seen, known, and loved.

Our Values

The USC Caruso Catholic Center is rooted in faith, community, and service. Guided by Christ’s teachings, we strive to foster spiritual growth, promote compassion, and create a welcoming environment where all are empowered to live out their faith through love, leadership, and meaningful service to others.

  • Ours is a community that pursues greater purpose together. If your heart yearns for deeper friendships than what the world seems to offer, you have a place with us. If you desire to make an impact with your life, you have a place with us. No matter where you are on your faith journey or what’s in your past, we welcome you to join us as we seek greater connection with a loving God. At the Catholic Center, no one needs to walk alone.

  • As we look to Jesus in the Eucharist, we begin to see his presence most intimately in our brothers and sisters. It is in this grace that we discover each person’s eternal worth and reject the notion that a person is only as valuable as their resume, accolades, or accomplishments. We never underestimate anyone’s potential because it is often through the “least of these” that God moves in might.

  • We believe that Jesus is real, and he left his body in the Eucharist to us as a sign of his never-ending love. No matter how misunderstood we’ve felt in the world that has yet to know God, in prayer we discover the unconditional love of the Father. The Eucharist is the incarnate mercy of Christ, so we go to Him with all our needs.

  • The world says we make our own truth, but that path leaves us confused and isolated. We believe that there is a Truth that is real and unchanging, and His name is Jesus. When we are formed in the discipline of Truth, we discover authentic freedom. As Jesus is the Truth personified, we attempt to live the Truth modeled after his life and teachings. We strive to bravely profess what we believe and put into practice what we profess. We speak the truth no matter how uncomfortable or challenging it may be.

  • God calls us to greatness, but that journey begins with surrender. He calls us to put our discomfort, pride, and preferences aside for the sake of His Kingdom. Though we don’t always understand His teachings or his direction, we allow ourselves to be shaped by our relationship with Him.

  • At times Christ’s call to live with clarity and purpose can feel overwhelming. God’s love is our confidence and His voice is our clarity. God sets us free from shame and fear so that we can embrace our individual calling, no matter the cost. No task is beneath us, no work is beyond us in advancing Christ’s mission. When knocked down, we will get back up every single time. In Christ, we will not fail.

Our History

A Century of Catholic Tradition at USC

Since our humble beginning in 1923 when just 62 USC students gathered together to form the Newman Club on campus, the Catholic tradition at USC has grown with the university itself. Generations of students have attended Mass here, graduated, and made our Catholic alumni network stronger than ever. 

Today the USC Caruso Catholic Center is one of the largest communities of Catholic students west of the Mississippi. The opening of our Our Savior Church and USC Caruso Catholic Center in 2012 marked a new chapter in our long history. Through the tremendous support of our growing and dedicated Catholic Trojan community, we became what and who we are today.

Historical Timeline


The University of Southern California opens to 53 students


The USC Newman Club is created


Dedication of the new Church


Groundbreaking begins for the new Our Savior Parish & USC Caruso Catholic Center


Our Savior Parish and USC Caruso Catholic Center Opens


Our Savior Parish & USC Caruso Catholic Center celebrates 10 years