Bring Young Catholics Back to the Church

Lenten Appeal 2023


To invite the USC community into a transforming relationship with Christ.

This year, the Caruso Catholic Center celebrates 100 years of supporting young people spiritually and emotionally on their journeys of faith.

Our invitation to students and to all of you this Lenten Season is to begin again today. As St. Josemaria frequently said: “Nunc coepi! Nunc et hodie!” (Now, I begin! Now and Today!

Pray so that we may develop a deeper friendship with Christ and rediscover the importance of our divine filiation. Fast that we may demonstrate our love through fearless sacrifice and surrender. And give alms to those that need it most.


Celebrating 100 Years

This year marks a significant milestone for our community as we celebrate 100 years of history, growth, and progress. Over the last century, we have worked together to build Catholic life on campus and to lay the foundation for a bright future. As we reflect on the past 100 years, we are filled with gratitude for the countless individuals who have made our community what it is today. Join us in this historic celebration as we honor the legacy of the center and look ahead to the next 100 years of growth and success. Let us come together to make new memories and create a future full of hope, prosperity, and unity.

A Message from

Fr. Richard Sunwoo

As we prepare for Christ’s death and resurrection this season, we traditionally focus on the three pillars of Lent: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Pray so that we may develop a deeper friendship with Christ and rediscover the importance of our divine filiation. Fast that we may demonstrate our love through fearless sacrifice and surrender. And give alms to those that need it most.

Your support ensures that those seeking the Lord will find Him at the USC Caruso Catholic Center whether that is at Mass, Adoration, bible studies, service projects, pro-life initiatives, fellowship opportunities, and more. Please make your special Lenten offering today to help more students encounter Christ and be transformed by His limitless mercy.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support of the USC Caruso Catholic Center and its mission. May you experience a blessed, transformative Lent! And may you return to Him with all your heart... now and today! 

Your Contribution Makes A Difference

This year, we are hosting a Lenten Appeal to support various initiatives in our community and to bring Christ to the students of USC. Join us in our mission to spread God’s love & kindness throughout USC this Lenten season.

Stay Connected

Have questions about our Lenten Appeal or want to learn about more ways to give, contact us!