Farewell & Gratitude for Fr. Joe

Dear Trojan Catholic Community,

I am writing to you with difficult but important news to share: Fr. Joe Kim has been reassigned and is no longer serving as our Director of Campus Ministry. We are immensely grateful for Fr. Joe’s years of dedication and ministry at USC where he has regularly gone above and beyond the call of duty. I speak for us all when I say he’ll be sorely missed.

Changes like this are difficult. It’s a reminder that priests make a promise of obedience and they serve where they are sent by their superiors until they are called to go elsewhere. Fr. Joe’s time with us has come to an end and we wish him the best as he moves on to serve in another part of the Lord’s vineyard. Let’s unite in thanksgiving for the time we had with Fr. Joe and renew our trust in God’s providence and plans for us. Moving forward, I will step-in as the Interim Director of Campus Ministry for the rest of the semester and we’ll be working together to continue Campus Ministry’s great work.

Fr. Joe wants you to know that you are welcome to reach out to him and I’ve included his contact information below. Once again, let’s be sure to keep him in prayer and express our gratitude for his pastoral zeal and willingness to go where he is needed at this time.

In Christ,

Fr. Matt Wheeler ‘10

Fr. Joe Kim’s Contact Information

1225 5th Street
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254